Sun square Moon

Sun square Moon

Sun square Moon Here the core solar identity is at odds with the lunar emotions. The sun’s need to be seen & counted is in conflict with your emotional instincts, habits & security. This can create a fundamental split between desires & safety & can be...
Sun sextile Moon

Sun sextile Moon

 Sun sextile Moon Blending the solar Sun & the lunar Moon comes with a little effort. The rational solar Sun energies of the conscious ego & the Moon’s emotional, subconscious energies can flow well together with conscious work.  The active...
Sun trine Moon

Sun trine Moon

Sun trine Moon With the Sun & Moon in harmonious aspect, the balance, flow & fluidity between the identity & emotional nature is at ease. With the two big lights of the chart being in harmony, this is a very supportive position overall, & can work to...
Sun opposite Moon

Sun opposite Moon

Sun opposite Moon This is a Full Moon chart, for those born just before, at or after a Full Moon. The Sun is opposite the Moon, which juxtapositions the solar identity opposite the emotions & needs. The Moon’s unconscious light mirrors the Sun’s solar conscious...


The astrological symbol for Vesta looks like a stylised flame in a hearth, perhaps reminding us of the eternal flame in Rome, which was kept burning permanently as a symbol of the belief that Rome was eternal. The flame was attended by six Vesta Virgins. In Greece she...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 23° Aquarius 22' 44"
Moon 14° Leo 59' 27"
Mercury 25° Aquarius 12' 23"
Venus 05° Aries 01' 18"
Mars 17° Cancer 58' 29" R
Jupiter 11° Gemini 22' 22"
Saturn 18° Pisces 38' 35"
Uranus 23° Taurus 19' 39"
Neptune 28° Pisces 18' 00"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 23' 36"
Chiron 19° Aries 52' 09"
TrueNode 27° Pisces 43' 20" R
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