We have a full moon in Cancer at 11.33 am GMT on 12th January 2017. This Full Moon is once again highlighting the cardinal grand cross. We have Sun Pluto in Capricorn opposing the Moon in Cancer squaring Jupiter Uranus. Fortunately this grand cross is not longstanding since it is the Sun and Moon in on the game and they will move on quickly.

This is like a tug of war, going on inside. When numerous planets are in different aspects, it’s difficult to take action. The different priorities are all calling you and it might even feel particularly difficult to not be able to satisfy all options and everyone who needs your support or attention.

This is a day for taking care of your deepest, most urgent priority, rather than spreading yourself too thin. At least Saturn is playing a supportive role which might steady you and ensure the right decisions and actions are taken. The unexpected is also part of the picture today and so you will be kept on your toes.

With Mercury now direct, although still moving slowly, the pace of life is beginning to pick up. Many planets are direct now, which means we have started this January, or at least from 5th, with more energy than usual.

Just after the Full Moon today, Mercury returns to Capricorn squaring the Aries Zero Point, a particularly powerful point, it’s a time to revisit this week’s light bulb moments and take action, apply what you’ve learnt or are learning. The Aries point tends to bring up and larger themes – more public, societal, political, world issues, that which is beyond our everyday lives. It awakens us to what’s out there and what’s possible.

There’s a lot of movement, lots of expansion, even if it’s stressful and challenging, just stay in your gratitude that life is moving, that ideas are coming and that support is forthcoming.

With a lot of powerful aspects, both easy and stressful, there’s a sense of no space, no time, overwhelm or overload. As I speak of in the video series, it’s a good time to stay internally connected to your deepest self, it will help us sort through what’s relevant and what’s not. My video series talks of the how we can really harness this Cancer Moon over the next few days.

Remember also that which is not important will not come back to you, that which is, will continue to draw your interest and pull you back. Let that be your guiding light for now. It’s a good time to take action to get things moving to bring transformation, hence my video series!


Current Planetary Positions

Sun 23° Aquarius 24' 48"
Moon 15° Leo 25' 38"
Mercury 25° Aquarius 16' 04"
Venus 05° Aries 02' 30"
Mars 17° Cancer 58' 09" R
Jupiter 11° Gemini 22' 25"
Saturn 18° Pisces 38' 49"
Uranus 23° Taurus 19' 40"
Neptune 28° Pisces 18' 04"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 23' 40"
Chiron 19° Aries 52' 14"
TrueNode 27° Pisces 43' 09" R
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