Oct 13, 2019 | Alchemy, Aries-Libra axis, Bridging Realities, Creativity, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Energies of 2019, Living spirituality, Oneness, Pluto in Capricorn, Polarisation, Relationships, Unity Consciousness
We have a Full Moon in Aries on 13th October 2019 at 9.08 pm GMT. This Full Moon is at 20 degrees Aries-Libra spectrum, which forms a T-square with the Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This reignites the 16th July eclipse earlier this year at 24 degrees...
Aug 22, 2017 | Curiosity, Feelings, Intentions, Living spirituality
Deep spiritual attitudes and beliefs manifest in everyday life and of course therapy. These deep spiritual attitudes should ideally permeate and shape all therapist’s interventions, approaches and tools. Behind my therapy methods and interventions, and behind...