Oct 5, 2021 | Body Awareness, Energies of 2021, Eris, Feelings, Libra, New Moons, Pluto in Capricorn, Sovereign Being
Wednesday 6 October – New Moon in Libra 12:05 GMT Wednesday 6 October – Pluto Direct 19:29 GMT Thursday 7 October – Venus into Sagittarius 12:21 GMT Friday 8 October – Sun conjunct Mars 5:01 GMT Saturday 9 October – Sun conjunct Mercury...
May 19, 2019 | Beliefs and culture, Blocks, Body Awareness, Bridging Realities, Egdes, Fields, Full Moons, Gemini, Scorpio, Sun Mercury, Taurus-Scorpio, Uranus in Taurus
We have a Full Moon in Scorpio on 18th May 2019 at 9.11 am GMT in the last degrees of Taurus-Scoprio axis. This Moon is really anchoring in our driving, motivating force to manifest a new reality in our lives. The practical, self-loving approach of Taurus season ahem...
May 4, 2019 | Body Awareness, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Mars Pluto, New Moons, Sun Neptune, Sun Pluto, Sun Saturn, Taurus, Venus Saturn, Venus Square Pluto
We have a New Moon in Taurus on 4th May 2019 at 10.55 pm. May has begun with some kick starting energy. With the focus on Taurus energy, which is the ‘I have’ of the zodiac – manifestation, creativity, and beauty, it’s a great New Moon to make...
Dec 6, 2018 | Astrology, Being, Body Awareness, Mars Neptune, New Moons, Sagittarius, Soul, Uncategorized
We have a New Moon in Sagittarius at 7.28 am GMT on 7th December 2018. As we head into the weekend, Mercury stations direct alongside this New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow. Mars is conjunct Neptune squaring this New Moon. Mercury, Chiron and the North Node also form...
Sep 8, 2018 | Aquarius-Leo axis, Astrology, Black Moon Lilith, Body Awareness, Changes, Kali, Leo-Aquarius Axis, Mars, Mars in Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn, Saturn, Sun Neptune, Uranus, Uranus in Taurus, Venus Retrograde, Venus Square Mars, Virgo
We have a New Moon in Virgo on 9th September 2018 at 7.01 pm BST. This powerful new moon has the Sun-Moon conjunction opposite Neptune and in a supportive sextile from Jupiter. This combines the exacting, precise nature of the Sun-Moon in Virgo with the illusion,...