The Moon is full in Libra on 31st March 2018 at 12.38 pm GMT at 10 degrees of the Aries-Libra axis. This highlights the relationship axis, so this can be a theme for the next two weeks. This Full Moon helps us see things a little clearer, although we need to wait for the next New Moon on 15th April to really get some clarity. It won’t be until the month’s end when the dust has somewhat settled that we know more about what’s right for us.

Libra is about balance, equality, diplomacy and partnerships. It looks at things from different angles and tries to find consensus between various points of view. The flip side is that Libra energy vacillates backward and forth and doesn’t easily focus on the internal truth within. It takes others into consideration which distracts us from the Aries energy of action and direction. We need to be conscious of accessing the fire element in our lives now, we can really pull on spiritual fire to move through the challenges in this week.

The ruler of the Libra is Venus, and Venus has entered earthy Taurus, where she feels most at home since it’s the sign of her exhaltation. At this time, our self-worth is strongly mirrored in our personal relationships. It will help us to stay grounded, embodied and connected to reality right not.

Taurus is the sign of the Goddess, so it’s a time to focus on Goddess things. For women, it’s a time of entering into the power of your body, sexuality and sensuality. We can focus on enjoying the pleasurable thing in life.

It’s also about focusing on our deepest needs and values, as these things keep us grounded and in a place of self-love. When we know what we value most, deep down, then we feel more solid and able to take the challenges of relationships. Everything can flow easier from a place of full, embodied needs. It’s so easy to get pulled into distractions, more surface desires, other people’s ideas for us, everything that disconnects us from our deepest desires and needs. This next Venus in Taurus cycle gets us reconnected with the woman and Goddess inside, our power house.

This Full Moon is a powerful time for using manifesting Venus magic. It’s a time when we can really get in touch with what’s of value to us and what our own truth is – although it might take all of Venus’ sojourn through Taurus to get clear on that.

The Sun forms a conjunction to Mercury retrograde at this Full Moon (it’s exact the next day), highlighting Mercury retrograde themes. It can also be a time of insights, as the Sun’s solar energy brings illumination to this inward cycle of Mercury. It’s a good time to strive for a more internal connection to our inner truth, especially now with Venus in body orientated Taurus. Our body’s signals and messages can be strong and can especially be trusted to yield healing answers.

Mercury retrograde in dynamic Aries in combination with the courageous Leo North Node brings an emphasis on the element of fire. This is about individuality and our own needs and values, being courageous and following our passion. We are being encouraged to really dive deep into our own sense of ourselves, and to put that first, letting that guide our participation in relationship with others.

But further to this is an aspect from Mars to Saturn, in the early part of April, which brings forth another dimension of a similar theme of focus on believing in your truth, and taking steps towards it’s realisation, taking the initiative. With Mars forming it’s conjunction, it’s not going to be an easy process, it’s going to be tough to totally believe in ourselves to take the initiative. Either way, it’s further fuelling an internal dynamic of connecting with your truth first so we can then take the necessary steps.

Saturn can represent our relationship with an outer authority – a teacher, a boss, a workplace, or a parent. We are being called to connect with our inner truth to reflect it back in relationship. Perhaps this is about our relationship with the rules and expectations we have placed upon us and we place upon ourselves. Monitor and express your responses more carefully in these relationships.

So we are being called to take action, or speak our words of truth with grace, integrity and a sense of responsibility. With Saturn squaring Mercury for most of next week, we might not find it easy to say what we feel or want to say, it’s time to just be gentle with ourselves, to speak wisely, knowing words have a lasting impact. How we assert ourselves or fail to do so, is now is part of the picture within our relationships.

Mars in aspect to Saturn brings frustrations to the surface and even anger, which is not an easy energy to manage. It might be that we need to speak out about something or do something but feel we can’t. Engaging our courage helps us with this. This can tend to manifest as verbal conflicts, indirect communication, as well as blocks and limitations or restrictions on our efforts at communication.

With Mercury retrograde, it’s important to not fall into the trap of avoiding communication, although it might feel like that is the best way forward in untenable situations. It’s a time for power shifts in relationship dynamics, it’s a time for risks and taking those careful steps, it won’t all be smooth, but it is necessary. Work with your Higher self closely this next week to guide you. That way, whatever is said or done, will ultimately bring the outcomes you need to move you forward in your soul’s evolution.

Between now and the New Moon on 15th April, there’s also a lot of space for massive internal shifts of truth and consciousness. It’s a great time to do some deep work, with a mind to getting deeply in touch with your truth, through changing your inner reality. This work will prepare you for Uranus’ move into Taurus and Chiron into Aries – more about these in the next post.

Ultimately, with the forthcoming Sun-Uranus conjunction on 15th April in Aries, we will get a strong sense of the changes that are coming and what we need to let go of. Many of us are gearing towards some kind of new inner personal freedom. Liberating ourselves from very old patterns of conditioning, of lack of self-worth, and not believing in our inner resources. I like to think of this as women becoming truly liberated in all the ways we need to get liberated – in our relationships, in our sexuality, our beliefs about ourselves, our family roles, our work. So we become the ones truly in charge of our lives.

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 23° Aquarius 23' 18"
Moon 15° Leo 06' 40"
Mercury 25° Aquarius 13' 24"
Venus 05° Aries 01' 38"
Mars 17° Cancer 58' 23" R
Jupiter 11° Gemini 22' 23"
Saturn 18° Pisces 38' 39"
Uranus 23° Taurus 19' 39"
Neptune 28° Pisces 18' 01"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 23' 37"
Chiron 19° Aries 52' 11"
TrueNode 27° Pisces 43' 17" R
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