Wednesday 12 February – Full Moon in Leo 13:54 GMT
Friday 14 February – Mercury enters Pisces 12:06 GMT
Tuesday 18 February – Sun enters Pisces 10:07 GMT
Monday 24 February – Mars Direct 1:59 GMT
Tuesday 25 February – Mercury conjunct Saturn 12:02 GMT
Thursday 27 February – Mercury sextile Uranus 9:37 GMT
Friday 28 February – New Moon in Pisces 00:45 GMT
To learn more about the aspects above, follow this link to
We have a Full Moon in Leo on 12 February at 13:53 GMT.
The Sun squares Uranus on Tuesday just before the Full Moon Wednesday. This Sun-Uranus square is the last major planetary aspect until next week, 20 February.
This is unusual, often when we experience several days without exact aspects, there is a deceptive lull in the action—only for it to be interrupted by an event that changes the entire landscape, much like a dam holding back a swelling river until the pressure becomes too much, and the floodgates burst open all at once.
It’s probably fair to say that there’s a lot of chaos and crisis flying about, and things rising to the surface that have a shock or wow factor. This is not so easy, but then perhaps we are all so very used to going with the flow now, that it’s water off a duck’s back.
Much of this is is due to the conjunction of Saturn and Nessus in Pisces. In July 2024 it came close, but on 7 February it has its first exact alignment since 1973. Nessus is about consequences; Saturn enforces the rules and maintains the boundaries. The question is; who’s playing Saturn and Nessus in your life now?
The message here is that ultimately you and only you are responsible for your existence. In a world that doesn’t seem to believe in consequences (of actions, words), where people behave more like children than adults, you could say that now the shit is hitting the fan. It’s wake up time and back into reality we come with a thud.
Another key influence driving the rest of the month is Mars, which is now slowing to a virtual standstill from our perspective on Earth, after its long retrograde (since 6 December). He turns direct in Cancer, emphasising again the child-adult theme.
This long awaited shift forward will reinforce our capacity to embrace inner strength and resilience, stepping into our power, holding our own – all far more effective than retreating into the inner child, where we feel more vulnerable and susceptible to people’s power trip or manipulation.
Particularly important at this time where there now seems to be a very speedy attempt to supplant all human authority on this planet. But also because we are all making big shifts in our day to day reality—stepping into new lives—which requires some fast growing up.
Mars, who throughout this retrograde period has been mainly in Cancer, has brought a time of reckoning for our deeply held emotions—guilt, shame, sadness, remorse, resentment, and patterns of casting blame, avoiding or deflecting responsibility. We have needed to face what lingers beneath the surface, to acknowledge the weight of our emotional history rather than letting it unconsciously steer us.
With the Leo Moon opposing the Aquarius Sun, we are confronted with two conflicting drives: Leo’s individual need for love and recognition versus Aquarius’ group commitment to collective progress. This Full Moon certainly has the capacity to highlight or rather shock us into awareness of our fixed stubbornness in any of these areas. It feels like the themes could show up in quite broad ways.
As ruler of Aries, Mars is most at home when acting immediately. He initiates, ignites, drives. But when Mars is retrograde, the usual momentum turns inward. There’s backtracking, revisiting, retracing steps—particularly in relation to choices, actions, and the physical body. This period has been about dealing with what was left undone, what was ignored or mishandled, what needs recovery, repair, or reintegration.
Retrogrades often take us back to old habits—some might be comforting, others destructive. Over the Christmas period, many may have fallen into familiar patterns, only to find that the consequences this time around hit harder. It hasn’t just been about physical habits; it’s been about all aspects of self. This isn’t a time to skim the surface. Look beyond what’s obvious. Think outside the box, but also look inside it.
The gift of this Mars retrograde has been to grow awareness of what must be acknowledged—what needs to be felt, addressed, and honored in order to maintain physical and emotional balance. It has made us more conscious of the impact of our reactions, particularly our anger. Outbursts now feel more real, their consequences more tangible. There’s a deeper sense of remorse, an understanding of what no longer serves us or those around us.
It’s a lot of going backwards to go forwards. Progress isn’t a straight road—it bends, loops, and sometimes drags us back over old terrain. But those returns aren’t failures; they’re deeper descents into things we thought we had resolved, yet still whisper beneath the surface, waiting to be seen.
In many aspects of life, so-called progress is accelerating at an unprecedented pace, especially with advancements in AI. Yet real growth isn’t about sprinting ahead blindly—it’s about circling back, refining, breaking things down before rebuilding. Mastery, whether in skill, awareness, or healing, comes not from relentless motion but from knowing when to pause, when to revisit, when to let things settle before forging ahead. The irony is that what feels like stagnation or regression can often the most direct route to true transformation.
Stillness, contraction, defensiveness—even experiences of exhaustion or numbness—can be signals of a deeper, unseen process at work. At the core of such stillness is often a protective mechanism, a part of us holding tension like a shield. When we push forward for too long without rest, without recalibration, we risk backlash—sometimes subtly, sometimes in dramatic ways, that force us to stop.
This suggests that, within us, certain internal parts (controllers, managers) are operating at an extreme level, working in overdrive to keep us safe. These inner protectors, assigned their roles as a result of some past experience (especially repeated destructive experiences or internal survival instinct), take control, often running on already depleted reserves. Until the Divine aspect of ourselves awakens to take the lead, these parts continue to hold the reins—exhausted, yet determined to do their job with the limited resources they have.
By revisiting these inner mechanisms and making adjustments based on where we are now—rather than where we were when these patterns were first formed—we root into a truer, more effortless version of ourselves. This is the necessary work, because otherwise, the very elemental forces which form us, remain locked in a state of restriction. These inner managers hold back our watery tears, constrict the spaciousness of our mind, block decision-making, and keep us caught in a kind of permanent retrograde—cycling through old wounds rather than evolving beyond them.
This is not where we want to stay. But this time—just before Mars turns direct—is the window to do the final work and make the realisations. To release, to integrate, and to prepare for forward movement that is not just motion, but momentum with depth, clarity, and intention.
On a further note, on Friday Valentine’s day, it begins with a Virgo Moon opposed by Saturn. This can create an atmosphere of limitation or authority-related challenges—not the warmest pattern for Valentine’s Day. Not a time to expect extravagant romantic gestures, but friendships may be favoured, especially as the Moon trines Uranus later in the evening. We are also about to jump into Venus retrograde on 1 March, so generally isn’t an easy relationship period. As the heat continues to dial up, do all you can to maintain internal balance.
Isis Oracle Alana Fairchild
Archetypes Kim Krans
Tarot Margaret Petersen
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