Lightbody Integration

For Your Path Of Awakening

Are you looking to take self-love and consciousness expansion to the next level?

If you hadn’t noticed… we are in a time of great change, acceleration and awakening.  Lightbody work is essential to integrate our lightbody – our 5th dimensional self – deeper into our third dimensional reality. Through a series of powerful clearings, activations and installations we prepare the third dimensional physical being and body for integrating higher dimensional frequencies. These Divine, higher frequencies can then anchor instantaneously, transforming our life through, bringing through light and self-love.

As we access more self-love within, we flow with grace and ease, access peace and stillness, and states of joy, laughter and even bliss (with a little time). These processes release density, heaviness, rigidity and residual anxiety, which contain and trap the soul in the consensus reality of separation and limitation.

Embodying and resonating at a higher level of self-love, means our relationships and everyday life have more alignment and perfection. We also feel more rooted, grounded and embodied. With access to more mental discernment, you can begin to make better decisions and experience less emotional turbulence and drama. Best of all, your body will feel light and states of hopelessness, dullness and depression will be a thing of the past. 

Realignment of the Keepers of Body Consciousness1 session (1.5 hours) £140

Removal of Nephillim Soul – 1 session (1.5 hours)  £140

Etheric Crystals & Divinity Threshold Removal – 1 session (1.5 hours) £140

Devices Removal1 session (1.5 hours) £140 – please email me

The Merkava – Merkiva – Merkana Installation – 3 sessions (4 hours over 3 sessions) in total £250

The Three Goddess Initiations – The White Fire Initiation, The Nine Stargate Initiation, The Isis Initiation – 2 sessions £190

Deep Ancestral Clearing – The Soul Vine Clearing – 3 hour session – £250

CSM – Crystal Skull Method3 sessions minimum – £250

This work strongly accelerates your path up the spiral stuper of growth, bringing you inner and outer freedom, and movement forward on long held issues. This lightbody work finally allows in light, where previously it was pushed away by the structures. As it enters the lower chakras, it pushes up and out the very old programmes and fears. With this work, you will feel happier, freer and disconnected from the collective fears and imprints, and on your path to fulfilling your purpose. It’s powerful work.

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