Many people go about their lives trying to find their purpose.  Frustrated, feeling purposeless, feeling restless without their raison d’etre.  But shouldn’t purpose just find you?  In my own experience, I have seen purpose as synonymous with passion and meaning.  But I acknowledge that this is not the experience of everyone.

I have learnt that some people just do not experience a sense of ‘external’ purpose.  And this is perfectly fine, and perhaps the greatest thing of all, as perhaps these people as being guided towards a deeper sense of what purpose is for them.  The world would say though, that they are ’missing something’.

But why do we seek purpose in the first place anyway?  Why the external purpose?  We seek purpose because we believe that if we have a sense of purpose, we will feel full of life, energised in every moment.  We believe we will awaken every morning with a sense of internal approval and validation.  So this begs the questions can purpose be culitvated?

Perhaps our real purpose is about having an inner purpose to awaken, and awaken to this inner purpose.  Would this perhaps be a common purpose uniting us all?  Seeing purpose as inwardly rather than outwardly driven, we begin to free ourselves from a dependence on the external world.

Through our own awakening – our own inner purpose of self-realisation, the outer purpose proves irrelevant.  For some, their path is one of realisation that outer purpose manifests only from a space within.  Or perhaps more accurately put; with the inner awakening your vacuum becomes filled and you stop trying to fill it outwards in – bliss.

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 05° Capricorn 04' 36"
Moon 12° Scorpio 20' 34"
Mercury 13° Sagittarius 09' 02"
Venus 21° Aquarius 35' 54"
Mars 03° Leo 35' 27" R
Jupiter 13° Gemini 50' 57" R
Saturn 14° Pisces 07' 14"
Uranus 23° Taurus 47' 03" R
Neptune 27° Pisces 13' 44"
Pluto 00° Aquarius 53' 42"
Chiron 19° Aries 00' 24" R
TrueNode 01° Aries 58' 17" R
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