This Capricorn New Moon, exact on New Year’s Day 2014, is an extraordinary new moon called a supermoon – this is because it is in direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth.  As the word ‘new’ connotes, it’s a time of new beginnings.

We have some exciting, full on intense, potent astrological yang energy playing (or should I say fighting it) out with this new moon.  It’s an incredibly rare alignment because we have tight groupings of the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto all in Capricorn, which together form a grand cross with squares from Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries, and an opposition from Jupiter in Cancer.

This all triggers the Uranus Pluto square, which is an ongoing source of long term transformation, beginning in 2012 and continuing into 2014.  The Uranus Pluto alignment requires other more personal planets, such as the sun and moon to activate and release this very dynamic outer planet square.  Pluto Uranus are bringing transformation to our world structures and systems, similar to but above and beyond what we saw in the 1960s with the Pluto Uranus conjunction.

With these two outer bully-like planets we can experience transformational breakthroughs.  But its never easy with Pluto and Uranus and so it’s best to remember here that true transformation works more with despair than blind faith or hope.  That which is breaking down in our lives is going to eventually bring us transformation. Try and value what brings despair now, dive into the complexity of problems.  This is not a time to stay on the surface, gliding away as though everything is love and light.  The message is very clear, go deep.  Look at life; the personal, public and political, in their true depth, colour and complexity.

This new moon astrology is intensified by the cardinal signs (Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer) it occupies.  With a cardinal influence, we can have a tendency to hold on to what needs to now go from our lives.  If we do that right now when we know deep down we shouldn’t, then we will suffer.  At the same time if we simply give up our efforts then we will fall back into our habitual past karma.  It’s about finding the balance, which is hard to do with this kind of dynamic and complex astrology.

I think one of the messages here is that our complexity, as boundaried individuals, really  needs to now be understood.  At times, new age spirituality can take us out of our complexity.  One key way that we attempt to avoid this complexity is with a misguided idea of spiritual oneness.  The concept of “oneness” is being used as a hypnotic vehicle to dodge the complexity of existence.  We can’t float on clouds, we do need to make plans and get life in order.

The cosmic emphasis for the year ahead is deal with your stuff and get real and honest with yourself and the world around you.  I will say more about this in later posts as we have a repeat of this energetic set up on 23rd April 2014 – the peak of this current new moon energy.

With Venus retrograde in Capricorn, as I discussed in my last post, Venus ruled issues may not be easily definable or tangible right now.  So while awareness will come with time and patience, most importantly it will come if we hold intent and have perseverance; I always think that real growth arises from a capacity to balance tenacity with right timing.  But while we wait, take your time to restructure, reorganise and re-evaluate.

We are in a time where we need to access our own authenticity and truth.  This must be our foundation as all else is not real.  This Capricorn energy wants what is real.  We need to take the time to get our foundations right and climb our mountain, achieve our goals with integrity and realism.  Plan ahead, engage the taskmaster Saturn.

Alongside this, this year is a time for steadiness and balance.  Like the mountain goat that balances on the mountain edge, when we are in alignment and balanced, we are steady for our world and that becomes reflected back to us.  Getting clear on our foothold and rooting for the year ahead, choosing our paths wisely, knowing the choices we are making sounds good doesn’t it.  Perhaps you can even feel now how these approaches are appealing, as opposed to fluffy new age spirituality.

The choices we make focus our energy and intention.  They are super important right now so be super clear on your mission and goals.  Attitude is important, it’s not a time to lay down and give up, it’s a time to be super flexible and flow with these difficult energies.

This astrology is triggering and urging us towards the healing and resolution of our planet’s and our own long term issues.  These are not simple issues, these are many planetary challenges and lifetimes of struggle all constellating in this astrology, so if it’s hard right now, send yourself some appreciation for what you are negotiating.

So if at times your strength feels compromised remember that real inner transformation becomes deeply instilled in us when it arises from a place of struggle and conflict.  We are undergoing big shifts; its necessary and overdue, so make your intentions clear right now on this new moon.

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 23° Pisces 59' 35"
Moon 24° Virgo 33' 31"
Mercury 09° Aries 31' 31"
Venus 07° Aries 43' 28" R
Mars 18° Cancer 54' 36"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 34' 39"
Saturn 22° Pisces 19' 53"
Uranus 24° Taurus 02' 20"
Neptune 29° Pisces 23' 20"
Pluto 03° Aquarius 12' 58"
Chiron 21° Aries 17' 49"
TrueNode 27° Pisces 23' 14" R
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