Thursday 17 October – Full Moon in Aries 12:26 BST
Thursday 17 October – Venus sextile Pluto 13:30 BST
Thursday 17 October – Venus into Sagittarius 20:28 BST
Tuesday 22 October – Mercury trine Saturn 7:35 BST
Tuesday 22 October – Sun square Pluto 15:15 BST
Tuesday 22 October – Sun into Scorpio 23:15 BST
Friday 25 October – Mars sextile Uranus 1:13 BST
Monday 28 October – Mars trine Neptune 13:30 BST
Monday 28 October – Venus square Saturn 14:35 BST
Wednesday 30 October – Mercury opposite Uranus 23:15 BST
Friday 1 November – Mercury trine Neptune 1:33 BST
Friday 1 November – New Moon in Scorpio 13:47 BST

To learn more about the aspects above, follow this link to

We have a Full Moon in Aries on 17th October 2024 at 12.26 GMT.

Aries energy is a burst of energy, assertiveness, independence, and taking initiative, and the Full Moon amplifies all this. Emotions run high, and there’s a strong impulse to act on instincts and desires. However, this energy can also lead to impulsiveness or conflict if not directed wisely.

It’s a great time to focus on personal goals and assert one’s needs, but balance is needed to avoid confrontations that might arise from overly aggressive or impatient behaviour. This Full Moon asks us to embrace our independence while considering how our actions impact others.

On the same day, Venus sextiles Pluto, bringing and intensity to relationships and financial matters. It is a time when buried feelings or unresolved issues in love can surface. The combination of the Aries Full Moon with Venus-Pluto highlights the tension between independence and intimacy. We might have a breakthrough in how we relate to others, particularly if willing to delve deeper into shadow material and confront underlying emotions or power dynamics.

Shortly after, Venus shifts into Sagittarius, lightening the mood. It’s a time to explore new horizons in relationships, whether through travel, learning, or simply seeking more excitement. The vibe becomes more playful and adventurous, encouraging us to seek experiences that broaden our perspectives.

As we move closer to the Scorpio season, things become more intense and introspective.

On 22 October, Mercury will trine Saturn, offering us clarity and discipline in communication and thinking. This will support us to focus on practical work, making it a good time to tackle long-term projects or have serious discussions. Saturn brings structure and responsibility, while Mercury, the planet of communication, ensures that thoughts and plans are grounded, detailed and realistic.

Also on the 22nd, the Sun squares Pluto, creating tension between the conscious self (the Sun) and the planet of power, transformation, and hidden forces (Pluto). This aspect can bring power struggles, challenges to authority, and intense situations that require deep psychological insight.

The Sun-Pluto square highlights areas where we need to confront control issues or where transformation is necessary but perhaps resisted. This aspect often triggers confrontations with others or with one’s own shadow side, bringing deep-seated issues to the surface. However, it also offers an opportunity for personal empowerment if we’re willing to face the truth and make necessary changes.

As the Sun enters Scorpio on 22 October, the overall tone shifts towards emotional depth, introspection, and transformation. Scorpio season encourages us to explore what lies beneath the surface of our lives—our hidden desires, fears, and emotional complexities. It’s a time for intense self-reflection and the release of anything that no longer serves our growth.

With the Sun in Scorpio, we are invited to embrace transformation, much like the phoenix rising from its ashes, and confront whatever needs to be healed or purged from our lives.

Interestingly, Pluto slowed down and stationed direct on 12 October, coinciding with a square to Mercury, amplifying the significance of Pluto’s station. This Pluto-Mercury square emphasises the potential for information to be revealed or released to deliberately manipulate or deceive. Pluto has the tendency to also send things into the underworld keeping them hidden, taboo and secret.

For quite some time, the truther community has been speaking about how the vaccine damage would eventually come to light – be revealed – (clearly laid out in the modelling documents upon which Covid was based).

This ‘Great Reveal’ is a carefully orchestrated and scripted disclosure of the damages caused by the Covid injections, designed to restore public trust in the very authorities managing the reveal. It is intended to guide us toward a so-called promising future under their continued leadership around 2030 known as the ‘great reset’.

In case you are interested or wondering, the astrological weather for 2030 all perfectly reflects this ultimate plan. But not only astrology, the Mayan calendar, Solar cycles etc also.

Anyway with significant coverage this week from both The Daily Mail and the BBC, including the Mail actively seeking stories from those injured by the jab, it appears that the undeniable evidence of the severe harm caused by these vaccines is finally gaining traction in mainstream media, as per the carefully orchestrated global strategic plan.

When the Sun squares Pluto on 22 October, just as it moves into Scorpio, we have another level of the underworld arising into the more visible layers of awareness. Later, around 3 November, Mars opposes Pluto, adding in another level. So whatever disclosures we have had will only continue.

Either way, the theme of confrontation with the underworld, our own personal one, and that of the collective shadow, is well underway. We will all need to be prepared to look at what we resist, and go to where we have previously refused to go. If we already have a relationship with our shadow, and we have not ostracised vast parts of our consciousness, then we should sail through.

We are at the conclusion of a significant cycle. On 19 November, Pluto will make its permanent move into Aquarius, where it will stay until 2043. This signals that we are in a period of closure, where old structures and patterns are being completed to make way for a fresh cycle. As we navigate this transition, we are shifting directions and embracing new ways of seeing our lives, adopting tools that align with the future ahead.

This means that people are making big decisions that changes the trajectory of their entire lives. We need to trust that when the things that previously got us out of bed in the morning feel completed and done, that this is because we are entering into a new area of growth, a long phase that will last until 2043.

The upcoming New Moon in Scorpio on 1 November marks a potent time for setting intentions focused on transformation, healing, and emotional depth. So during this upcoming period, take note of what comes to the surface. The New Moon in Scorpio will encourage us to let go of what no longer serves us, creating space for new growth and deeper empowerment, this might not feel an easy thing, as we have been in this Pluto in Capricorn cycle (where it’s moving from) since 2008. The important thing it to trust where you are at and the steps you feel you need to take.

New Moons signify beginnings, and in Scorpio, this particular one invites a focus on emotional rebirth. It’s an opportunity to release the past and set intentions that align with personal transformation and empowerment. Throughout this phase, the astrology encourages a balance between action and introspection, pushing us to make bold strides forward while honouring the necessity of deep emotional healing.

The period from the Aries Full Moon to the Scorpio New Moon provides us with a rich journey of both external action and internal reflection, asking us to embrace both dynamic progress and deep personal transformation. Use this next two weeks as a time to go deep and really get clear on what you want for your life in this new cycle.


The Human Design System Rave I’Ching Card Lynda Bunnell

Isis Oracle Alana Fairchild

Archetypes Kim Krans

Tarot Margaret Petersen

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Current Planetary Positions

Sun 29° Libra 43' 39"
Moon 09° Cancer 30' 33"
Mercury 13° Scorpio 46' 24"
Venus 05° Sagittarius 50' 55"
Mars 25° Cancer 11' 07"
Jupiter 21° Gemini 02' 22" R
Saturn 13° Pisces 11' 03" R
Uranus 26° Taurus 15' 13" R
Neptune 27° Pisces 41' 43" R
Pluto 29° Capricorn 40' 08"
Chiron 20° Aries 51' 04" R
TrueNode 06° Aries 24' 39" R
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