Today’s Moon Forecast
Moon in Virgo

When the Moon reaches Virgo, we can feel very sensitive. You know those days when everything is aggravating? The Moon in Virgo brings out the one that wants to take care of business, be practical, get organised, and usually everything at once. It's a time when we get particularly busy 'doing' and it's a good time to clear out clutter and weed the garden. It's also good to do something that can settle you into a steady routine. We are generally a little more judgemental or critical of ourselves and others, so keep a handle on that. What helps during Virgo transits is to get grounded in your body and create some order and peace in your environment so you can get to work. Burn some incense, do some meditation, yoga or qi gong, whatever helps sooth your emotions and ground you in your body.
Current Planetary Positions
Sun | 22° Pisces 07' 02" |
Moon | 01° Virgo 34' 37" |
Mercury | 09° Aries 00' 54" |
Venus | 08° Aries 34' 59" R |
Mars | 18° Cancer 33' 23" |
Jupiter | 13° Gemini 21' 54" |
Saturn | 22° Pisces 05' 57" |
Uranus | 23° Taurus 58' 27" |
Neptune | 29° Pisces 19' 04" |
Pluto | 03° Aquarius 10' 24" |
Chiron | 21° Aries 11' 44" |
TrueNode | 27° Pisces 23' 45" R |