Mar 16, 2018 | Astrology, Chiron in Pisces, Intimacy, Jupiter in Scorpio, New Moons, Pisces, Relationships, Sexuality
With a second New Moon in Pisces at 26 degrees on 17th March 2018, at 1.12 pm GMT. With this New Moon, we have the beginning of a new emotional cycle with what appears to be, on the surface, a very soft, healing, spiritual and gentle tone. If your birthday is...
May 10, 2017 | Astrology, Full Moons, Grounding, Intimacy, Leo, Mars Neptune, Nodes, Scorpio, Self-love, Sun Pluto
This Full Moon is ripe in Scorpio at 10.24 pm on 10th May 2017, 21 degrees Scorpio. This Full Moon makes a powerful aspect to Pluto, while in the background we have a Saturn trine Jupiter. There is also a muddy Mars square Neptune with Black Moon Lilith in on the act....
Mar 14, 2017 | Full Moons, Intimacy
So we are still in eclipse season as we arrive at our partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra on 23rd March 2016 at 12 pm GMT. The Sun has just emerged from watery Pisces into Aries, which is the start of the astrological year, so this lunar eclipse occurs just after the first...