Today’s Moon Forecast
Moon in Taurus
After the rush of an Aries Moon, comes the calm and comfort of Taurus. The Moon is exhalted and very comfortable in Taurus, with a strong need for calm and the good things in life. Appreciate the beauty that life has to offer in the small, sensuous things; dewdrops on flowers, a perfectly seasoned meal, the whorls and dents on your lover’s fingertips. Creativity flows and hard work can also as this is a tenacious, determined and focused Moon sign. Steady work can be accomplished today if you put your energy into it.
Current Planetary Positions
Sun | 16° Aquarius 56' 15" |
Moon | 19° Taurus 06' 23" |
Mercury | 14° Aquarius 00' 00" |
Venus | 00° Aries 51' 11" |
Mars | 19° Cancer 15' 03" R |
Jupiter | 11° Gemini 16' 50" |
Saturn | 17° Pisces 55' 09" |
Uranus | 23° Taurus 16' 35" |
Neptune | 28° Pisces 06' 02" |
Pluto | 02° Aquarius 11' 45" |
Chiron | 19° Aries 38' 37" |
TrueNode | 28° Pisces 12' 25" R |