Gemini Full Moon – The Dark Feminine

Gemini Full Moon – The Dark Feminine

We have a Full Moon on 12th December at 5.12 am GMT at 19 degrees Gemini. At this time of year, we start feeling the Christ consciousness energies, and as unconditional love infuses into our being the illusions begin to push up. This Full Moon is right on my Venus. I...
Libra New Moon – A Shadowy Journey

Libra New Moon – A Shadowy Journey

The Libra New Moon occurs at 3:47 am GMT on 9th October 2018. The Moon-Sun makes a conjunction with Ceres. Pluto squares the Moon-Sun and Venus is now getting into her retrograde process through Scorpio. Ceres primarily represents the feminine principle as we...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 07° Cancer 53' 08"
Moon 10° Aries 51' 06"
Mercury 23° Cancer 55' 16"
Venus 14° Cancer 35' 12"
Mars 14° Taurus 37' 08"
Jupiter 07° Gemini 48' 42"
Saturn 19° Pisces 25' 40"
Uranus 25° Taurus 38' 05"
Neptune 29° Pisces 55' 44"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 25' 15" R
Chiron 23° Aries 12' 32"
TrueNode 11° Aries 30' 40"
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