Oct 1, 2024 | Acceptance, Black Moon Lilith, BLM, Energies of 2024, Venus
Wednesday 2 October – New Moon in Libra 18:49 BST Friday 4 October – Venus trine Saturn 18:04 BST Sunday 6 October – Mercury square Mars 7:37 BST Tuesday 8 October – Venus trine Mars 11:22 BST Tuesday 8 October – Mercury trine Jupiter...
Jun 29, 2022 | Beliefs and culture, Black Moon Lilith, BLM, Cancer, Consciousness Shifts, Energies of 2022, Mars Pluto, Mothering, New Moons, White privilege
Wednesday 29 June – New Moon in Cancer 3:52 BST Wednesday 29 June – Venus sextile Jupiter 4:51 BST Saturday 2 July – Mars square Pluto 3:14 BST Saturday 2 July – Mercury trine Saturn 11:39 BST Saturday 2 July – Mercury square Neptune...
Sep 24, 2018 | Acceptance, Aries Zero Point, Aries-Libra axis, Astrology, Black Moon Lilith, Fate & Destiny, Flow, Jupiter in Scorpio, Letting Go, Presence, Venus Retrograde, Venus Square Mars, Vesta
We have a Full Moon in Aries at 1 degree, just as the Sun has moved into Libra, the time of the equinox. The Full Moon is exact on 25th September 2018 at 3.53 am BST 2 days after the equinox. It also occurs on the Aries point and Galaxy M87. Together they amp up this...
Sep 8, 2018 | Aquarius-Leo axis, Astrology, Black Moon Lilith, Body Awareness, Changes, Kali, Leo-Aquarius Axis, Mars, Mars in Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn, Saturn, Sun Neptune, Uranus, Uranus in Taurus, Venus Retrograde, Venus Square Mars, Virgo
We have a New Moon in Virgo on 9th September 2018 at 7.01 pm BST. This powerful new moon has the Sun-Moon conjunction opposite Neptune and in a supportive sextile from Jupiter. This combines the exacting, precise nature of the Sun-Moon in Virgo with the illusion,...
Aug 11, 2018 | Ascension, Astrology, Black Moon Lilith, Dark Goddess, Eclipses, Goddess Initiations, Inanna, Leo-Aquarius Axis, New Moons, Pallas Athena, Power, Underworld
We have a New Moon Eclipse at 10.57 am GMT on 11th August 2018 in Leo. This is the final eclipse of this series. Despite the copious amounts of Sun blessing us this Summer, this really is a time of darkness, where we can feel immersed in the depths of our own...
Nov 3, 2017 | Astrology, Black Moon Lilith, Duality, Full Moons, Neptune, Scorpio, Sexuality, Taurus, Witch hunts
The Moon is full in Taurus on 4th November 2017 at 5.24 am, highlighting the Taurus – Scorpio axis. There are some strong recurring themes in the current astrology with a cluster of planets in Scorpio. The Sun-Moon opposition receives a flowing, positive aspect from...