Capricorn Solar Eclipse & 2020 Energies

Capricorn Solar Eclipse & 2020 Energies

We have a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn at 5.13 am GMT on 26th December 2019. We have just moved out of solstice energies and into the very internal and much discussed energies of 2020. This New Moon Eclipse is a marker for that. Our personal and collective evolution is...
Aries Full Moon – As Opposites Collide

Aries Full Moon – As Opposites Collide

We have a Full Moon in Aries on 13th October 2019 at 9.08 pm GMT. This Full Moon is at 20 degrees Aries-Libra spectrum, which forms a T-square with the Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This reignites the 16th July eclipse earlier this year at 24 degrees...
Scorpio New Moon – Maya

Scorpio New Moon – Maya

Systems Astrology New Moons Full Moons Transits 2018 Planets & Aspects Astrology Asteroids & Centaurs Astrological Aspects Planets & Aspects Earth Path System Divinity Fifth Dimensional Consciousness Ascension Manifestation Abundance Unconditional Love...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 22° Pisces 07' 02"
Moon 01° Virgo 34' 35"
Mercury 09° Aries 00' 54"
Venus 08° Aries 34' 59" R
Mars 18° Cancer 33' 23"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 21' 54"
Saturn 22° Pisces 05' 57"
Uranus 23° Taurus 58' 27"
Neptune 29° Pisces 19' 04"
Pluto 03° Aquarius 10' 24"
Chiron 21° Aries 11' 44"
TrueNode 27° Pisces 23' 45" R
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