Gemini new moon – duality – 28th May 2014

Gemini new moon – duality – 28th May 2014

This is a fresh, reinvigorating new moon in Gemini occurring on Wednesday 28th May 2014 at 6.40 pm GMT. This new moon is tightly square Neptune in Pisces. Of the four mutable, dualistic signs, we have: Sagittarius, a fire sign, which is directional, Virgo which is...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 12° Capricorn 52' 26"
Moon 21° Aquarius 26' 49"
Mercury 22° Sagittarius 31' 07"
Venus 29° Aquarius 52' 16"
Mars 01° Leo 14' 08" R
Jupiter 13° Gemini 00' 19" R
Saturn 14° Pisces 40' 46"
Uranus 23° Taurus 35' 17" R
Neptune 27° Pisces 19' 36"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 07' 38"
Chiron 19° Aries 00' 31"
TrueNode 00° Aries 33' 29" R
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