The Moon is full in Taurus on 4th November 2017 at 5.24 am, highlighting the Taurus – Scorpio axis. There are some strong recurring themes in the current astrology with a cluster of planets in Scorpio. The Sun-Moon opposition receives a flowing, positive aspect from...
This is a fresh, reinvigorating new moon in Gemini occurring on Wednesday 28th May 2014 at 6.40 pm GMT. This new moon is tightly square Neptune in Pisces. Of the four mutable, dualistic signs, we have: Sagittarius, a fire sign, which is directional, Virgo which is...
This can be a volatile transit for the Moon. Everything is a little more erratic and unpredictable. Its also a rebellious position where we don't like to feel hemmed in and we want to have our independence and freedom. This is a detached position for the Moon but it can also be a time of the unexpected. Aquarius Moon transits are good for expanding on ideas, forming groups or communities, group activities, and random acts of kindness. This is a time to be socialising with friends. It's great for tuning into the group energy and being in community since we are more orientated to what's different from us, we can accept the difference in others readily.