The New Moon in Aries exact on 30th March 2014 at 6.46 pm GMT is the most powerful new moon of this year and possibly over the last ten years. Aries rules warrior Mars and this energy will activate the cardinal grand cross which characterises much of April so hang on...
The Virgo Full Moon peaks at 6.46 pm Sunday 16th March 2014 opposing the Sun in its opposite sign Pisces. This full moon marks the completion of the last new moon cycle beginning on 1st March. This Virgo-Pisces Axis shines a light on the sensitive realms of the...
The New Moon in Pisces at 8 am today on 1st March 2014 is a time of emptying yourself and quietly drawing in and receiving spiritual energy. Pisces rules the vastness of the oceans, the dreaming world and the individual and collective consciousness. The spiritual...
This February Full moon lands in the zodiac at 26 degrees Leo at 11.54 am GMT on 12th February 2014. There are no major fixed star influences or asteroids to note in this full moon chart but a few planetary aspects, some of which I will focus on below, as well as our...
The second New Moon in January occurs on January 30th 2014 at 9.39 pm in Aquarius. This lunation has some kinder aspects, so we can now integrate any new changes and shifts made earlier this month. Additionally as a Blue, Super new moon, these qualities act to...
January’s full moon in Cancer, the Moon’s own sign, is on 16th July 2014 at 4.54 am GMT and it marks the midway point of this current lunar cycle. This full moon brings light to the seeds we planted at the New Moon on 1st January. With this full moon in feeling,...
When the Moon transits through Pisces, you can find yourself feeling hazy, confused, a little disconnected from the here and now. Your empathy levels can be particularly high, and you might even feel a little delicate, more sensitive than normal. Pisces can be a difficult transit for the Moon, because our grip on reality is somewhat looser and we might not be able to so readily express what's going on inside. But it's also a time for us to reconnect with our Divinity within. Your dreams can become vivid and especially symbolic during this time. This is a good time to rest, reflect and nourish the spirit with meditation, practises and spiritual tools to reconnect with your spiritual centre. It can also one of the best times to get creative, as our imaginations are richer and more expanded.