We have a Full Moon in Aries on 13th October 2019 at 9.08 pm GMT. This Full Moon is at 20 degrees Aries-Libra spectrum, which forms a T-square with the Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This reignites the 16th July eclipse earlier this year at 24 degrees...
We have a Super New Moon in 28th September at 7.26 pm GMT in Libra. A New Moon is where we have the opportunity to start a new emotional cycle, or reset our goals and intentions. This particular Moon is very close in it’s orbit to the Earth, this is the meaning of...
We have a Full Moon in Pisces at on 14th September 2019 at 4.33 am GMT in Virgo season is a time for cleansing and regeneration of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. It’s unusual to have so many planets in a sign, and furthermore a sign that hasn’t...
We have a New Moon in Virgo on 30th August 2019 at 10.37 am GMT. This is a friendly New Moon, and should feel supportive, especially since over the next few days there are lots of solar storms hitting the earth causing more sensitive people to release a lot more at...
We have a Full Moon in Aquarius on 15th August at 12.29 pm BST. This Full Moon is opposite the Sun in Leo and exactly squares Vesta, the Goddess of the hearth. Vesta here is important since as her and her Greek counterpart Hestia imply a tending to the fire of...
This can be a volatile transit for the Moon. Everything is a little more erratic and unpredictable. Its also a rebellious position where we don't like to feel hemmed in and we want to have our independence and freedom. This is a detached position for the Moon but it can also be a time of the unexpected. Aquarius Moon transits are good for expanding on ideas, forming groups or communities, group activities, and random acts of kindness. This is a time to be socialising with friends. It's great for tuning into the group energy and being in community since we are more orientated to what's different from us, we can accept the difference in others readily.