Leo Lunar Eclipse 2019

Leo Lunar Eclipse 2019

We have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on 21st January 2019 at 5.13 am GMT. This is right at the beginning of Leo-Aquarius axis, 0 degrees. However, not all eclipses hold the same level of intensity – this one is complex, and made even more intense due to the...
Capricorn Solar Eclipse 2019

Capricorn Solar Eclipse 2019

Happy New Year everyone, we have a Solar Eclipse at the midpoint of Capricorn at 15 degrees at 1.42 am GMT on 6th January 2019. This is the first of two solar eclipses in January. The eclipses are now shifting from Leo-Aquarius to the Cancer Capricorn axis. It occurs...
The Earth Path System

The Earth Path System

When I first learned this system and decoded my own chart I immediately had a sense of clarity and awakening. At the time, I really didn’t know what I was here to do. Perhaps you can resonate with that, as many of us don’t know, for many years we can be totally in the...
Scorpio New Moon – Maya

Scorpio New Moon – Maya

Systems Astrology New Moons Full Moons Transits 2018 Planets & Aspects Astrology Asteroids & Centaurs Astrological Aspects Planets & Aspects Earth Path System Divinity Fifth Dimensional Consciousness Ascension Manifestation Abundance Unconditional Love...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 11° Cancer 49' 16"
Moon 08° Gemini 17' 40"
Mercury 01° Leo 15' 08"
Venus 19° Cancer 39' 28"
Mars 17° Taurus 35' 19"
Jupiter 08° Gemini 42' 19"
Saturn 19° Pisces 25' 05" R
Uranus 25° Taurus 49' 19"
Neptune 29° Pisces 55' 54" R
Pluto 01° Aquarius 19' 54" R
Chiron 23° Aries 17' 55"
TrueNode 11° Aries 16' 58" R
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