Why Living In The Present Moment Is So Hard?

Why Living In The Present Moment Is So Hard?

Living in the moment is banded around like its the most normal thing to be doing. From new-agers to Buddhist spiritualists to even contemporary psychology, we are told make the most out of the present and stop living in the past or the future. It is precisely the fact...
Everything You Need To Know About Eclipses

Everything You Need To Know About Eclipses

The Basic Eclipse Facts   How many eclipses are there in a year? There are 4-6 eclipses each year. Eclipses go in cycles of 7-8 years for each pair of signs. So if you are a Leo or it’s opposite sign Aquarius, you won’t receive the same pair of...
How To Work Better With Your Anxiety

How To Work Better With Your Anxiety

Is Anxiety & Fear The Same? Fear and anxiety are often mistaken or understood as the same thing. However, while symptoms can overlap, a person’s experience of these emotions differs based on context. Fear is known to be an emotional response to a known or...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 28° Taurus 26' 40"
Moon 05° Libra 49' 41"
Mercury 04° Taurus 12' 24"
Venus 23° Taurus 56' 19"
Mars 14° Aries 00' 01"
Jupiter 28° Taurus 20' 25"
Saturn 18° Pisces 00' 48"
Uranus 23° Taurus 25' 30"
Neptune 29° Pisces 24' 22"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 02' 36" R
Chiron 21° Aries 39' 15"
TrueNode 14° Aries 56' 24"
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