Pisces Full Moon Eclipse – 16th September 2016

Pisces Full Moon Eclipse – 16th September 2016

We have yet another eclipse at this Pisces Full Moon, this time a Lunar Eclipse, on 16th September 2016 at 7.06 pm GMT. This Full Moon is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer and Mercury is retrograde. The energy reaches outward and peaks with the Eclipse and withdraws...
Leo New Moon – Fires Alight – 2nd August 2016

Leo New Moon – Fires Alight – 2nd August 2016

We have a New Moon in the sign of Leo at 8.45 pm on 2nd August 2016. Leo is about creativity, and in it’s highest expression, its about Divine creativity, letting the flow of the Divine majestically create and recreate again and again through us in every moment. Leo...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 16° Cancer 56' 04"
Moon 18° Leo 22' 04"
Mercury 09° Leo 52' 24"
Venus 26° Cancer 14' 47"
Mars 21° Taurus 24' 53"
Jupiter 09° Gemini 50' 32"
Saturn 19° Pisces 21' 48" R
Uranus 26° Taurus 03' 05"
Neptune 29° Pisces 55' 17" R
Pluto 01° Aquarius 12' 43" R
Chiron 23° Aries 23' 38"
TrueNode 10° Aries 16' 11" R
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