capricorn new moon – 1.1.2014

capricorn new moon – 1.1.2014

This Capricorn New Moon, exact on New Year’s Day 2014, is an extraordinary new moon called a supermoon – this is because it is in direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth.  As the word ‘new’ connotes, it’s a time of new beginnings. We have some exciting, full...
Key Steps of Ascension

Key Steps of Ascension

After the peaks and highs of 2012, for many lightworkers 2013 was meant to be a year of rest.  A time to let the tension and fight drain from us.  But many of us have still found this hard, we are so ready and prepared for the fight – even in the...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 11° Cancer 45' 27"
Moon 07° Gemini 23' 02"
Mercury 01° Leo 08' 20"
Venus 19° Cancer 34' 33"
Mars 17° Taurus 32' 27"
Jupiter 08° Gemini 41' 27"
Saturn 19° Pisces 25' 06" R
Uranus 25° Taurus 49' 08"
Neptune 29° Pisces 55' 54" R
Pluto 01° Aquarius 19' 59" R
Chiron 23° Aries 17' 50"
TrueNode 11° Aries 17' 32" R
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