Finding Our Divine Purpose

Finding Our Divine Purpose

Many people go about their lives trying to find their purpose.  Frustrated, feeling purposeless, feeling restless without their raison d’etre.  But shouldn’t purpose just find you?  In my own experience, I have seen purpose as synonymous with passion and meaning.  But...
Waiting For An Invitation

Waiting For An Invitation

Society conditions us to go out there and make things happen, take the bull by the horns and take control of our lives.  Simplistically interpreted, spiritual writings from not that far back talk of us being agents of our lives, to not let life happen to us. Of course...
Living In Real Time

Living In Real Time

I am predicting that this is going to be the newest coolest way of living in not to distant future.  In some countries they are already practising this, more or less most of time – mainly because of course they have no choice.  Over here though, in our western...

Current Planetary Positions

Sun 11° Cancer 47' 59"
Moon 07° Gemini 59' 26"
Mercury 01° Leo 12' 52"
Venus 19° Cancer 37' 49"
Mars 17° Taurus 34' 22"
Jupiter 08° Gemini 42' 01"
Saturn 19° Pisces 25' 06" R
Uranus 25° Taurus 49' 15"
Neptune 29° Pisces 55' 54" R
Pluto 01° Aquarius 19' 56" R
Chiron 23° Aries 17' 53"
TrueNode 11° Aries 17' 09" R
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