Dec 13, 2020 | Eclipses, Energies of 2020, Jupiter-Saturn, New Moons, Sagittarius, Saturn in Sagittarius, Solar eclipses
Monday 14 December – Sagittarius Solar Eclipse 16:17 GMT Monday 14 December – Venus sextile Jupiter 20:58 GMT Tuesday 15 December – Mercury trine Mars 4:24 GMT Tuesday 15 December – Venus sextile Saturn 13:00 GMT Tuesday 15 December –...
Dec 30, 2017 | Astrology, Full Moons, Mars, Mars Jupiter, Saturn in Sagittarius, Sirius
We have a Full Moon in Cancer at 11 degrees on 2nd January 2018 at 2.25 am GMT. We have two full moons this month of January, and this is the first. As the largest Full Moon of the year it is a also called a Supermoon. This Moon is particularly auspicious since it...
Dec 18, 2017 | Ancestors, Astrology, New Moons, Purification, Sagittarius, Saturn, Saturn in Sagittarius, Super Galactic Centre, Trauma & Wounds
We have a New Moon in Sagittarius at 6.30 am GMT on 18th December 2017. The short days, minimal sunlight & no Moon visible in the sky makes the next few days the darkest of the entire year (in the Northern Hemisphere). At 26 degrees, this New Moon is conjunct the...